Transform yourself into a Mumsel and celebrate end of year together in a dry dock!
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The Origin
The exact origin of the Mumsel is unknown. Based on ancient Polynesian tales, it is believed they sailed the South Pacific with the Polynesian explorers, many centuries ago. In the 18th century the islands east of Indonesia were visited by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen. This was the first time a vessel from the west visited this region.
The spread of the Mumsel
Mumsels love sailing and love ships. So when they saw one of Roggeveens vessels moored in a bay, they probably could not resist the urge to get on board. Roggeveen resumed his journey to Batavia (current Jakarta). Batavia was an important hub in the world trade at that time. From there the Mumsel could easily spread across the world.
The Sailors
In the following centuries the Mumsels traveled across the globe. Some Mumsels kept moving from one vessel to another, ready for a new adventure, while others decided to stay on a particular ship for a while. Most of the Mumsels got to see the world, while the people, especially the sailors, got to know the Mumsel.
Keep the Mumsel happy
Mumsels take care of the wellbeing on a vessel. It is vital to keep them happy, because when a Mumsel is not happy they will start causing trouble. They are good creatures, however, they are also easily bored. And when they are bored they will find ways to amuse themselves. Mumsels will not show themselves, but their actions do not remain unnoticed.
Take them seriously
Mumsels hate it when they are not being taken seriously. So it could be tricky to mention you don’t believe in Mumsels. If a Mumsel hears this, he will make sure you won’t doubt them again.
Different Species
There are different kind of Mumsels, is the same way there are different kind of people. They all originate from the Polynesian Mumsel but years of living in a different environment shaped them in different ways. The Mumsels who live with us are sailing Mumsels, however, they don’t smell like fish anymore. Sometimes they can get greasy when they have been running around the workshop.
The Mumsels at AEGIR-Marine
In the early days of AEGIR-Marine, Ruud did some of the service himself. We suspect that this is when he picked up a Mumsel. The toolbox of an engineer is always filled with items a Mumsel loves, so possibly they just climbed in and got locked inside when Ruud finished the service.
The End
So this is how Mumsels came to AEGIR-Marine. Apparently they like the atmosphere with us, because they stayed. We don’t know exactly how many of them are here, but since they managed to sabotage a printer which had been moved, we think there must be at least three of them. For us it means we have to keep the Mumsel happy. And being thankful we didn’t end up with a bad Mumsel!